7 reasons to seek Marriage Counseling in NYC
Divorce rates have remained unchanged for the past 30 years, but it is a fact that 50% of first marriages go down that path. Divorces are difficult, not only for the adults, but for the children too bringing uncertainty about the future. For adults it can be one of life’s most stressful moments. Children often have negative feelings which include guilt, blame anger and a preoccupation with reconciliation.
Divorce often seems like the only option, and for some couples it may well be the best one, but Couples Counseling in NYC, may help encounter the issues and save their union.
Here are seven difficult situations where couples can seek Marriage Counseling for in NYC:
- Negative Communication
When communication deteriorates it is difficult for a couple to reverse the situation. Negative communication will leave one of the two partners in the marriage feeling depressed, insecure, ignored or wanting to withdraw from the conversation.
Conversations taking place in a hard tone can be stressful and besides feelings of hurt, can also lead to emotional or physical abuse and non verbal communication.
Couples should remember that it is not always what is said, but how it’s said.
- Broken trust
Affairs or the thought of having one are difficult to recover from, though not impossible. The guilty partner has to be willing to cooperate and the other partner needs to be forgiving and willing to move forward.
If both are committed to the therapy at Couples Counseling in NYC, the marriage may be saved.
- Finding what’s missing
Marriage means doing things together. If there are no shared interests, lack of conversation and intimacy, then a skilled counselor can help open up and discover where along the way the couple lost interest in each other, what is missing and how to recover it.
- Resolving differences
Many couples going through a rough patch know that they have differences but often do not know how to go about resolving them. A neutral third party, like a skilled marriage counselor can help them find and fix the differences, moving the couple in the right direction.
- Feelings of resentment
Disappointment and resentment can often lead to hurtful behavior. Often the spouse who has been wronged agrees to stay on and work things out, but can’t get past these feelings and continuously tries to hurt the other partner. A good couple’s counselor will help the couple sort out the negative feelings and find a less hurtful way for them to express their feelings.
- Separation is the only way out
Separations often begin when one of the two walks out on a fight and stays away for one night, this often leads to a temporary separation, indicating the need for marriage counseling.
- Staying together for the children
Counselors agree that this is the wrong reason for any couple to stay together. Children are intuitive and will feel that something is wrong and this is detrimental to them.
Couples and marriage counseling in NYC might not always resolve issues or salvage a marriage; but for those couples determined and committed to it they can sometimes rekindle what brought them together in the first place.